Thursday, May 21, 2015

Paleo Pad Thai
Paley Pad Thai

I adored this dinner. Love. I doubled the egg portion (and the thing mixed in it), and used 4 chicken thighs, and a whole sweet onion. I cooked them over 4/10 heat slowly over almost an hour. I had to put the lid on for the last 20 since they were still red next to bone. That made a nice texture to the chicken. Also, I baked spaghetti squash for 40 minutes on a small half, and 50 min. on the larger half (see this

Also, I used peanut butter in the sauce. It was great, and there was more than enough for us all. I would add more snap peas next time. Use a 10 inch skillet for the eggs. A 12 inch was too big.

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