Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Creamy Tomato Basil Soup

http://grandmasrolls.blogspot.com/2010/10/creamy-tomato-basil-soup.html (thanks Lib!)

I used fresh roma tomatoes, probably 10-15 of them. It was a big bag, a few pounds. Also, I cut the cream in half and used only one cup, which was plenty. And I added salt--1/2 to 1 tsp and dried basil at the end. Finally, I used my hand blender to blend it all up (leaving it semi-chunky).

This was tasty soup. It goes great with a roll or breadstick (we had crescent rolls). Next time I will add basil in the beginning so the flavor is distributed better.
this was too sweet. Too creamy..it made me feel not so great. Alas. The leftovers weren't really eaten.

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